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EMAC 2023 Annual

Impact of Blended Learning on Student Experience during COVID-19

Published: May 24, 2023


Santiago Batista-Toledo, Complutense University of Madrid; DIANA GAVILAN, Universidad Complutense de Madrid


COVID-19 forced the closure of educational institutions around the world, hence the move to distance learning. Many universities, to maintain face-to-face teaching while exercising safety measures, adopted the Blended Learning (BL) model. This gave rise to a new educational context for the student. Using structural equation modelling, this paper aims to deepen the students’ lived experience (socio-behavioural, cognitive-affective, sensory and formative) during the implementation of BL and to establish its impact on student satisfaction and commitment. For this purpose, 467 surveys were obtained from the undergraduate students. The proposed model has adequate fit indices, and the results suggest a positive relationship between the different dimensions of the experience and satisfaction and a lower normative commitment to learning as satisfaction with BL increases. These results point to the importance of experience management for a greater BL success.